Check if the state of the stream is good for i/o operations.
The function returns true if none of the stream's error flags (eofbit, failbit and badbit) are set.
Notice that this function is not the exact opposite of bad(), which only checks whether the badbit error flag is set.
The error flags can be checked independently by using any of the member functions eof, fail and bad.
The value returned by this function is the same as the result of evaluating:
(rdstate() == 0)
Return Value
true if none of the stream's state flags are set.
false if any of the stream's state flags are set (badbit, eofbit or failbit).
Basic template member declaration
( basic_ios<charT,traits> )
See also
ios::fail | Check if either failbit or badbit is set (public member function) |
ios::bad | Check if badbit is set (public member function) |
ios::eof | Check if eofbit is set (public member function) |
ios::clear | Set error state flags (public member function) |