streamsize sputn ( const char * s, streamsize n );
Write a sequence of characters
Calls the protected virtual member xsputn, which puts up to n characters from the array specified in parameter s into the output sequence.
The function behaves as if successive calls to sputc were made with each character, until n characters were written or until sputc would have returned EOF (or traits::eof() for other traits).
- s
- Pointer to the sequence of characters to be output.
- n
- Number of character to be put. This is an integer value of type streamsize.
Return Value
The number of characters written, returned as a value of type streamsize.
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// sputn () example
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
char sentence[]= "Sample sentence";
streambuf * pbuf;
ofstream ostr ("test.txt");
pbuf = ostr.rdbuf();
pbuf->sputn (sentence,sizeof(sentence)-1);
return 0;
This short example writes a sentence to a file using streambuf's member sputn.
Basic template member declaration
( basic_streambuf<charT,traits> )
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typedef traits::char_type char_type;
streamsize sputn ( const char_type* s, streamsize n );
See also
streambuf::sputc | Store character at current put position and increase put pointer (public member function) |