class template
template <class charT, bool International = false> class moneypunct;
Monetary punctuation facet
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moneypunct |
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The moneypunct standard facet can be used to obtain information about the format of punctuation marks and currency symbols for monetary expressions.
moneypunct objects are prevented to be locally constructed by having a protected destructor. Only those installed in locale objects should be used through mechanisms such as use_facet.
This template class has two template parameters: The first one, charT, is the character type. The second one, International, specifies whether international representation is enabled. They are referred in this entire reference as charT and International, respectively:
template <class charT, bool International = false> moneypunct;
The class defines a member alias for the character type: moneypunct::char_type, and a basic_string member type for strings containing this same type of characters.
Public members
It includes the following public member functions:
decimal_point | Return decimal point character (public member function) |
thousands_sep | Return thousands separator character (public member function) |
grouping | Return grouping of digits (public member function) |
curr_symbol | Return currency symbol (public member function) |
positive_sign | Return positive sign string (public member function) |
negative_sign | Return negative sign string (public member function) |
frac_digits | Return fractional digits (public member function) |
pos_format | Return format for positive monetary expressions (public member function) |
neg_format | Return format of negative monetary expressions (public member function) |
Along with the following public member types:
char_type | Character type (public member type) |
And the member constant:
intl | International representation (public member constant) |
Virtual protected members
The class defines the virtual protected members in charge of implementing the expected behavior of their corresponding public member functions:
do_decimal_point | Return decimal point character [virtual] (virtual protected member function) |
do_thousands_sep | Return thousands separator character [virtual] (virtual protected member function) |
do_grouping | Return grouping of digits [virtual] (virtual protected member function) |
do_curr_symbol | Return currency symbol [virtual] (virtual protected member function) |
do_positive_sign | Return positive sign string [virtual] (virtual protected member function) |
do_negative_sign | Return negative sign string [virtual] (virtual protected member function) |
do_frac_digits | Return fractional digits [virtual] (virtual protected member function) |
do_pos_format | Return format for positive monetary expressions [virtual] (virtual protected member function) |
do_neg_format | Return format for negative monetary expressions [virtual] (virtual protected member function) |
And the class destructor
(destructor) | moneypunct destructor (protected member function) |