num_put::putpublic member function
iter_type put (iter_type out, ios_base& str, char_type fill, bool val) const; iter_type put (iter_type out, ios_base& str, char_type fill, long val) const; iter_type put (iter_type out, ios_base& str, char_type fill, unsigned long val) const; iter_type put (iter_type out, ios_base& str, char_type fill, double val) const; iter_type put (iter_type out, ios_base& str, char_type fill, long double val) const; iter_type put (iter_type out, ios_base& str, char_type fill, const void* val) const; Put numerical value Formats val into out as a sequence of characters.For the process, it uses the formatting options selected in the object passed as str (using its ios_base::fmtflags value and its imbued locale), as well as fill as fill character. The function writes the characters resulting from the formatting operation into the sequence whose first character location is pointed by out. An iterator to the character right after the last element written to the output sequence is returned by the function. During its operation, the version of this function in the generic template simply calls the virtual protected member do_put, which is the member function in charge of performing the actions described above. Parameters
Return valueThe next character in the sequence right after the last one written.iter_type is a member alias of num_put's second template parameter (i.e., the facet's iterator type). Example
Possible output:
See also